17 Rules for 17 Years of Pilates Bliss

Apr 10, 2024
17 Rules for 17 Years of Pilates Bliss

Imagine a space where time ceases, and all that matters is the flow of your breath and the strength of your core. That is the sphere of bliss that Pilates has offered me over the past 17 years. From the first awkward 'Rolling Like a Ball' to confidently guiding my students to their version of the 'Teaser,' the Pilates ring and mat have been my constant companions through the kaleidoscope of life's experiences.

Join me as I reflect on this incredible journey with the 17 rules I've crafted from 17 years of devoted service to Pilates, a practice that's not just about fitness; it's a way of life. Each rule represents a year of learning, teaching, and embodying the Pilates ethos. It's my hope that these insights foster your own love affair with movement and guide you, whether you're standing in front of a class or on the mat, seeking solace and strength.

Rule 1: Live a Healthy Lifestyle

The cornerstones of my Pilates career boil down to balance and discipline in life. A healthy diet, enough sleep, and active relaxation through practices like meditation and restorative movement all play crucial roles. Living a healthy lifestyle is not just about following a routine; it's about cultivating an attitude of self-respect and care that radiates into the way you teach and interact with your clients. Adopting the attitude of walking the talk and being a beacon of healthy practices in your own life will ensure your clients entrust their own wellness with you, and it will make sure you have the energy and moitvation needed to serve your community by leading your people towards better health.

Rule 2: Teachers Must Practice Pilates Regularly

How can we inspire others if we don't embody what we teach? Rule number two is non-negotiable. Every Pilates professional must have a regular practice. It nurtures our understanding of the exercises, allows us to refine our technique, and ensures we continue to experience the benefits of Pilates in our own bodies, sustaining our passion and conviction in our work. As students we learn quickly that it is easier to teach an exercise that we have mastered in our own body and as we deepen our understanding of the intricacies of Pilates in our own body, we are better equipped to express the movement through our teaching. Don't ever forget what path led to becoming a teacher and just because you become certified, you must never cease the mentality of a student eager to practice what you preach.

Rule 3: Move Every Day

Movement is life, and life is about balance. Whether it's a full Pilates class, a power walk, or spending time in nature, find ways to move every day. It's not just about ticking an exercise off your to-do list; it's about staying present and honoring your body's need for motion, energy, and release. The body in life is born to move and varying your movement practice will not only improve your Pilates, but it will bring a different perspective to what and how you teach.

Rule 4: Rest and Recover

Just as moving is vital, rest is equally important. Over my years, I've learned the hard way that rest is not a sign of weakness. It's a necessary part of the process that allows our bodies—and minds—to recuperate, come back stronger, and be fully present in every moment. Rest is where growth and transformation happen. Rest is where ideas are born and rest is where resolve happens. When we are rested we can better serve our people and when we are rested we can think with clarity and perform with calm.

Rule 5: Switch Off

In a world that's always "on," the ability to switch off is a superpower. For Pilates teachers, this means carving out time each day to disconnect from technology and external noise. It's in these quiet moments, free from distraction, that we can listen to our inner wisdom, gain new perspectives, and approach our work with renewed focus. Switching off doesn't mean devolving, in fact the mind expands when we give space to 'boredom' and spend time in the day dream of our thoughts. One of the easiest ways to switch off it delay switching on. Leave your electronic devices on mute for the first few hours of your day and enjoy the process.

Rule 6: Know When to Walk Away

At times, despite our passion and best efforts, a client or a situation may not be the right fit. Knowing when to walk away is a sign of self-awareness and respect for your time and expertise. It's not giving up; it's acknowledging that everyone's path to Pilates is unique, and sometimes, these paths may not align. Some of my greatest opportunities have arisen from walking away from activities and people that were holding me back. Don't ever tell yourself that you don't have choices and beware the opportunity to get too comfortable for it is within the cosiness of that comfort that life becomes dull and stagnant.

Rule 7: Keep Your Private Life to Yourself

We're human, and our personal lives come with their own share of joys and challenges. Yet, the Pilates studio is a place for energizing, healing, and learning. Rule number seven is a reminder to keep our private lives separate. It's about professionalism and ensuring a safe space where clients can bring their whole selves without being burdened by our personal issues. No-one is paying you to hear your troubles, your trials or your trifectas and even when a client asks they don't really need to know your private affairs. Choose conversations that are appropriate to your clients goals and keep relationships professional, even as you grow fond of your community.

Rule 8: Create a Work Persona

Distinct from rule number seven, which emphasizes privacy, creating a work persona allows us to embody the best version of ourselves. This persona balances approachability with authority, encouraging a conducive classroom environment where students feel both supported and guided. Believe it or not, many public positions are held by people who are naturally introverted in their private lives. For some, teaching is an outlet and an opportunity to express ourselves in ways that may not come naturally in social situations. Creating a persona can give a new instructor courage to speak up and an opportunity to rise to realising their own potential.

Rule 9: Know Your 'Why'

Connecting with our 'why' is what gives purpose to our practice and teaching. This fundamental rule has been my refuge on days when motivation wanes. Your 'why' could be personal wellness, a desire to help others, or a quest to make change in the World, to leave a legacy or to connect with others. Whatever it is, keep it at the forefront of your mind, and it will carry you through. Share your why with your community and connect with them deeply, let them know your vulnerability while giving them a reason to trust you for the journey you have had. Connecting with your 'why' is a connection statement to the people you best serve and it can forge long term relationships with your clients past, present and future.

Rule 10: Invest in Education Regularly

The pursuit of knowledge is a never-ending passion for any serious Pilates practitioner or teacher. Every year, make an investment in your education, whether it's attending workshops, enrolling in courses, or simply reading up on the latest research. This continuous learning not only keeps you sharp but also deepens your understanding and refreshes your enthusiasm for Pilates. Becoming a Certified Pilates Instructor is the first step to a life long learning journey and our commitment to professional and personal growth is what keeps our clients coming back year upon year. Oh and if you havent already, check out my 6 month Reformer Instructor Mentoring Program with Pilates Pro Academy. We have options for brand new students and current instructors looking for a bridging program that will expand your knowledge and skills.

Rule 11: Invest in a Mentor

While education broadens our knowledge, having a mentor provides guidance and support tailored to you. A good mentor inspires, challenges, and nurtures your growth. They are a walking embodiment of your aspiration and a mirror to reflect your progress and potential. A mentor could be someone you look up to in your own profession, or they might be from a completely different industry but an area of interest and growth for you. Surrounding yourself and spending time with people who have the mindset, motivation and leadership skills you seek.

Rule 12: Learn Finances

For those who dream of a career in Pilates, understanding finances may not be the most glamorous aspect, but it is essential. From setting rates that reflect your time and value to managing taxes and investments, financial literacy ensures a sustainable and rewarding career that lets you do what you love for years to come. No one will ever applaud you for working yourself in to the ground, but to have a sustainable, profitable business takes intentional practice and financial intelligence.

Rule 13: Understand Business

Pilates is as much an art as it is a business. Educating yourself on business principles—marketing, client retention, and studio management—equip you to construct a sustainable and successful Pilates venture. A deep understanding allows you to meet the needs of your clients effectively, grow your business, and contribute to the Pilates community in impactful ways.

Rule 14: Be the Leader You Would Look Up To

Leadership in the Pilates realm is not about title; it's about the example you set. Whether leading a team or a client through a session, strive to be the leader you would admire. Set high standards, invest in your team, and foster an environment of growth, where everyone, including yourself, can flourish.

Rule 15: Hold Strong Boundaries

Flexibility in mind and body is a Pilates principle, but boundaries are equally crucial. I've engulfed this fact, navigating my early years filled with overcommitments and experiences where my cup ran empty. Boundaries ensure that we respect our time, energy, and worth, leading to healthier relationships and a more sustainable career.

Rule 16: Work Toward Being Dispensable

It’s a paradox of professional success that one should eventually work toward becoming dispensable. By cultivating competent and independent clients and teachers, you create a legacy that extends beyond your ability to lead a session. It’s the mark of a true teacher to create an environment where patrons can thrive without you.

Rule 17: Never, Ever Employ Your Friends

The final rule is one I’ve seen many battle with—avoid the complications that arise when working with friends. Business relationships can strain personal ones. By refraining from employing friends, you protect both your business’s integrity and the richness of your personal connections.

Each rule embodies the spirit and philosophy of the art of Pilates. Whether you're a beginner, an instructor, or simply a seeker of mindful living, I hope these insights resonate with you and become part of your Pilates fabric. Here's to the past 17 years and—fingers crossed—to many, many more filled with the grace and power of Pilates

Anatomy of the foot

Join me for a virtual discussion to unwrap the mindset around pain and how our beliefs affect the way we experience pain so that you can better serve your clients who live with pain.

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